Plant of the month

DIPLADENIA - a flourishing abundance

Plant of the month


Also known as the mandevilla, is a beautiful climbing plant that transforms gardens and balconies into blooming oases.
With its glossy green leaves and vibrant flowers in shades of pink, red and white, a dipladenia adds a touch of colour and elegance to every patio or balcony!


One of the dipladenia's greatest advantages is its ability to flower for long periods, often from early spring until the first frost.
This makes it a favourite for gardeners looking for an enchanting and low-maintenance addition to their outdoor space.


Whether it's led along a trellis, adorning a pergola or planted in hanging baskets, a dipladenia will add a touch of tropical splendour to any garden.
We offer our customers a fine selection of dipladenias from Spain as well as from local growers. Contact your salesperson for more advice!

Order your Dipladenia

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